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Beware Of Deceivers: Top WhatsApp Scams You Should Know

With over two billion global users, WhatsApp is a prime target for scammers looking to exploit personal and financial information. These online scams are growing more sophisticated, exploiting the app’s features to deceive users. From Call Forwarding Scams to the intricate WhatsApp Gold and Romance Scams, these fraudulent activities are varied and harmful.

This guide aims to highlight the various scams plaguing WhatsApp, offering vital knowledge to help you identify and avoid them. By understanding the scammer’s tactics like Phishing Links, Crypto Scams, and Lottery Scams, you can better protect your personal and financial information. Awareness is your primary defense against these digital threats.

In this article, we will provide you with clear information about each scam, along with the tools to maintain your security on this globally trusted messaging platform.

Top 17 Online WhatsApp Scams

With its popularity, these fraudsters use diverse tactics to exploit WhatsApp users, from simple misunderstandings to complex financial frauds. Below, we detail the most common WhatsApp scams, helping you recognize and protect yourself from these digital threats.

A Detailed Explanation of Each WhatsApp Scam…

1. Call Forwarding Scams

Scammers, often posing as service providers, convince users to forward their calls to another number under the guise of verifying account ownership or solving network issues. This action allows scammers to receive calls meant for the victim, including those for two-factor authentication, thereby gaining unauthorized access to personal and financial accounts. This scam primarily targets unsuspecting users unfamiliar with the implications of call forwarding, leading to the potential loss of control over personal data and financial services linked to their phone numbers.

2. WhatsApp Gold Scams

The WhatsApp Gold scam tempts users with the promise of an exclusive, feature-rich version of WhatsApp, known as ‘WhatsApp Gold’. Intrigued by the prospect of enhanced functionalities, users are directed to a link to download this non-existent upgrade. Instead of receiving a new version, they inadvertently download malware that compromises their device’s security. This malware can steal personal information, display incessant ads, or enroll the device in a botnet used for larger cyber attacks. Victims not only risk data theft but also contribute to the spread of the scam by unknowingly forwarding malicious links to their contacts.

3. Romance Scams

In romance scams, fraudsters create elaborate fake profiles to initiate romantic relationships with their targets. Over time, they cultivate trust and emotional dependence. Once a strong emotional bond is established, the scammer begins fabricating scenarios that require financial assistance, such as medical emergencies or travel expenses to visit the victim. These scams exploit the victim’s emotional vulnerability and desire for companionship to extort money, often resulting in significant financial and emotional damage. Victims are left not only with less money but also the painful realization that their romantic interest was a facade.

4. Wrong Number Scams

Wrong number scams start with the scammer sending a message or multimedia to random users, claiming it was a mistake. This ploy is designed to spark curiosity or start a conversation. As the interaction progresses, the scammer fabricates stories leading to requests for money or sensitive information. Alternatively, they may send links that lead to phishing websites or request money transfers under the guise of needing urgent help. This type of scam capitalizes on human curiosity and the tendency to engage in social interactions, making it easier for scammers to manipulate their targets into compromising situations.

5. Gift Card Scams

Gift card scams on WhatsApp typically involve a hijacked account of someone the victim trusts, like a friend or family member. The scammer, impersonating the contact, urgently requests the purchase of gift cards, claiming they cannot do it themselves due to various constraints. Once the victim purchases the gift cards and sends the codes, the scammer uses these codes immediately and disappears. This scam is effective because it exploits trust in existing relationships, and the urgency and confusion created by the scammer discourage the victim from verifying the request through other communication means.

6. WhatsApp Hijacking

WhatsApp hijacking occurs when scammers gain unauthorized access to a user’s WhatsApp account. They usually achieve this by phishing for the user’s two-factor verification codes or by exploiting security vulnerabilities. Once access is gained, the scammer can impersonate the victim, sending fraudulent requests for money or sensitive information to the victim’s contacts. Additionally, they can harvest the stored information from the account, such as personal data and chat history. This type of scam can have far-reaching consequences, damaging relationships and leading to identity theft and significant financial loss.

7. Tech Support Scams

Tech support scams involve fraudsters posing as WhatsApp or technology support representatives. They contact users, claiming there are issues with their WhatsApp account that need immediate resolution. These scammers may request remote access to the device, purportedly to fix the problem, or ask for payment for support services that are not actually required. Through this access, they can install malware, steal personal information, or lock the user out of their device to demand a ransom. Such scams prey on the victim’s lack of technical knowledge and their trust in seemingly legitimate support services.

8. Impersonation Scams

Impersonation scams involve scammers mimicking someone the victim knows, such as a friend or a family member. They typically claim to have lost their phone or changed their number and ask for financial help citing an urgent situation like being stranded without money or facing a medical emergency. The urgency and the supposed familiar source of the request pressure the victim into acting quickly, often without verification. This scam is particularly insidious as it leverages established trust and the natural inclination to help loved ones, making the deceit more likely to succeed.

9. Charity Scams

Charity scams surge particularly during times of natural disasters or humanitarian crises. Scammers create fake charity campaigns and reach out via WhatsApp, soliciting donations for relief efforts. They often use the names of legitimate charities to lend credibility to their requests but direct the funds to personal accounts. Unsuspecting donors, driven by the desire to help those in need, contribute funds that never reach the intended recipients. Such scams not only deprive genuine victims of aid but also undermine trust in legitimate charitable giving.

10. Fake Job Offers

Scammers use WhatsApp to broadcast lucrative job offers that require the job seeker to provide personal information or pay upfront fees supposedly for application processing or training. These job offers often promise high returns for minimal effort, appealing to those in urgent need of employment. However, once the information or money is submitted, the job offer vanishes, and the scammer may use the personal details for identity theft or sell them on the black market. This scam preys on the economic vulnerabilities and aspirations of individuals seeking better opportunities.

11. Phishing Links

Phishing scams on WhatsApp involve messages that contain malicious links under the guise of urgent or useful communications, such as a notice from a bank or a familiar service. These links lead to fake websites designed to steal login credentials and personal information. The websites are often well-crafted, mimicking the look and feel of legitimate sites to deceive the user into entering sensitive data. The urgency and legitimacy suggested by the message prompt quick action from victims, increasing the effectiveness of the scam.

12. Crypto Scams

Crypto scams on WhatsApp are increasingly prevalent, offering fake investments in cryptocurrencies or blockchain-related products. These scams promise significant returns and low risk to entice users into transferring funds or revealing private keys. Once the scammer receives the crypto assets, they disappear, leaving the victim with substantial financial losses. These scams exploit the general lack of understanding about cryptocurrencies and the allure of quick, high returns in the volatile crypto market.

13. Lottery Scams

Lottery scams involve messages claiming the recipient has won a large sum in a lottery or sweepstakes that they did not enter. To claim the purported winnings, victims are instructed to pay fees for taxes, processing, or legal costs. These fees add up, and the promised prize is never delivered. Scammers use the allure of sudden wealth to overcome the victim’s skepticism, exploiting their excitement and desire for easy money.

14. WhatsApp Tech Support Scams

WhatsApp tech support scams are a variation of general tech support frauds, specifically targeting users by alleging issues with their WhatsApp accounts. Scammers might claim that the account will be deactivated or locked unless the user takes immediate action, such as clicking on a link or providing personal information. These links can lead to phishing sites or initiate downloads of malware. The threat of losing account access creates panic, prompting hasty decisions from users who fear disruption in their communications.

15. QR Code Scams

In QR code scams, fraudsters distribute QR codes through WhatsApp, encouraging users to scan them for payments, to receive discounts, or to access exclusive content. Scanning the QR code can trigger unauthorized transactions or direct users to phishing or malicious websites. These scams capitalize on the convenience and increasing commonality of QR code usage, exploiting a lack of awareness about the potential risks associated with scanning unverified codes.

16. Unauthorized Verification Code Scams

This scam begins with the victim receiving an unexpected WhatsApp verification code followed by a message from someone pretending to be a friend or acquaintance asking for the code, claiming it was sent to them by mistake. If the victim shares the code, scammers can hijack their WhatsApp account, using it to commit further fraud. This scam is effective because it exploits the trust between friends and the reflexive desire to help, coupled with a lack of knowledge about the significance of these codes.

17. Couple Scams

A Couple scam involves fraudsters posing as a distressed couple or an individual part of a couple needing urgent financial help. These scams often arise from romance scams where once trust is established, the scammer introduces a critical situation involving their partner to solicit funds. This dual involvement adds a layer of complexity and authenticity to the request, playing on the victim’s emotions and desire to aid those in romantic distress. The fabricated urgency and emotional appeal make it difficult for the victim to refuse without feeling guilt or doubt about their relationship.

How To Spot Or Avoid A WhatsApp Scam:

WhatsApp is a valuable communication tool, but it can also attract malicious actors. So, recognizing and avoiding WhatsApp scams is crucial for maintaining your digital safety. Here are some essential steps to protect yourself from these potential scams while using WhatsApp:

  • Scrutinize Message Sources: Exercise caution with messages from unknown numbers or unexpected contacts, especially those requesting money or personal information. Since scammers impersonate familiar contacts or organizations, it’s essential to verify the sender’s identity through a trusted source before engaging.
  • Recognize Red Flags: Be wary of messages that ask for money, or personal information, or urge you to click on a link. Messages that contain poor grammar, urgent requests, or offers that seem too good to be true should raise immediate suspicion. Scammers often employ these tactics to exploit emotions and rush victims into compromising decisions.
  • Confirm Unexpected Requests: If a known contact requests financial assistance or sensitive information, verify their legitimacy through a separate communication channel, such as a phone call. Scammers may impersonate trusted contacts to gain access to personal data.
  • Exercise Caution With Unsolicited Links: Avoid clicking on links from unknown senders or those embedded in suspicious messages. These links can lead to phishing websites designed to steal your login credentials and personal data.
  • Optimize Privacy Settings: Regularly review and adjust your WhatsApp privacy settings. Restricting access to your profile picture and limiting who can add you to groups helps safeguard your privacy and information.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your WhatsApp account. This feature requires an additional verification code beyond your login credentials, significantly hindering unauthorized access attempts.
  • Stay Informed About Scams: Familiarize yourself with common WhatsApp scams and their warning signs (red flags). Regularly updated knowledge empowers you to identify and avoid these deceptive tactics.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter a potential scam, report it to WhatsApp immediately. Additionally, blocking the sender helps prevent further attempts and protects other users from similar attacks.

By implementing these proactive measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling prey to WhatsApp scams. Always prioritize vigilance and prioritize your privacy and security when using this platform.

How To Protect From Suspicious Messages And Scams

Protecting yourself from suspicious messages and scams on WhatsApp involves proactive steps and vigilant behavior. Here’s how you can enhance your defense against potential threats:

  • Pause & Think: Always take a moment to consider the legitimacy of any message that asks for personal or financial information. Scammers often create a sense of urgency to provoke a quick reaction.
  • Verify Independently: If a message claims to come from a friend in distress or an official entity, verify it directly through other means. Call the person or organization through a known and trusted number, not the one provided in the suspicious message.
  • Limit Personal Information Shared: Be cautious about how much personal information you share online, including on WhatsApp. The more information scammers have about you, the more convincingly they can target you.
  • Update Security Settings: Regularly update your WhatsApp security settings to ensure you have the highest level of privacy. This includes disabling automatic downloads, which can prevent malicious content from being loaded onto your device.
  • Block & Report: Do not hesitate to block and report any numbers that send suspicious or unwanted messages. This not only protects you but also helps in combating scam activities on the platform.

Implementing these steps will help safeguard your personal and financial information against scams, keeping your WhatsApp interactions secure and private.

Tips To Avoid These WhatsApp Scams

Navigating WhatsApp safely requires awareness and proactive security measures. Here are effective tips to shield yourself from common scams:

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: This crucial security feature adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification before accessing your account. Activate it in your WhatsApp settings to deter hackers.
  • Don’t Follow Suspicious Links: Avoid clicking on links or downloading files from unknown or untrusted sources. These can lead to phishing sites or malware installations designed to steal your information.
  • Strengthen Password Security & WhatsApp PIN: Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts and set a secure PIN for WhatsApp. Consider using a password manager to keep track of your passwords.
  • Download Trusted Anti-virus Software: Protect your device with reliable anti-virus software. It can detect and remove malicious software that might have been unknowingly downloaded.
  • Educate Family And Friends: Share knowledge about scam tactics with your contacts. The more people are aware, the less likely they are to fall victim to scams.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of WhatsApp scams, ensuring your digital communications remain safe and secure.

What To Do If Scammed On WhatsApp?

If you fall victim to a scam on WhatsApp, acting swiftly is crucial. Here’s what you should do:

  • Notify Your Contacts: Immediately inform your contacts that your account may have been compromised to prevent the scam from spreading.
  • Change Your Passwords: Quickly change your WhatsApp password and any other passwords that might have been compromised.
  • Report The Scam: Contact WhatsApp support to report the scam. This can help them take action to prevent further incidents.
  • Contact Your Bank: If you’ve shared financial information or made payments, contact your bank or financial institution immediately to block transactions and secure your accounts.
  • Learn From The Experience: Reflect on how the scam occurred and update your security practices to prevent future incidents.

Taking these steps can help mitigate the damage of a WhatsApp scam and protect your information from further exploitation.


1. Why do I receive random WhatsApp messages?

Random messages are often attempts by scammers to make contact. They might be phishing attempts, introductory scams, or unsolicited promotions. Always be cautious and verify the sender before responding.

2. How is my personal information safe on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, ensuring that only you and the person you’re communicating with can read what is sent. However, maintaining your account security also depends on your settings and vigilance against scams.

3. Can scammers hack my phone via WhatsApp?

While it’s challenging for scammers to hack your phone directly through WhatsApp, they can send malicious links or files that, if accessed or downloaded, can compromise your phone’s security. Always avoid suspicious links and files.

4. What to do with a suspicious WhatsApp message?

If you’re uncertain about the legitimacy of a message, do not respond or click on any links. Instead, contact the sender directly through a different communication channel to verify the message. If it’s from an organization, use their official contact information from their website.

5. How to recognize prize scams?

Be skeptical of messages that promise rewards, prizes, or gifts, especially if they require you to pay a fee or provide personal information to claim them. Legitimate companies do not ask winners to pay to receive their prizes. Always verify such offers directly with the issuing company through official channels.

6. What are the signs of a hacked WhatsApp?

Signs of a hacked WhatsApp account include unfamiliar messages sent from your account, unexplained changes to your account settings, or responses to messages you did not send. If you notice any of these activities, it may indicate that your account has been compromised.

7. How to educate older family members about WhatsApp scams?

Educating older family members about WhatsApp scams involves clear communication about common scam tactics and showing them how to use security features like two-factor authentication. Regular discussions about the importance of privacy and security can help them recognize and avoid potential scams. Provide simple, step-by-step instructions for what they should do if they encounter a suspicious message.


As WhatsApp continues to connect millions worldwide, the rise in scams on the platform serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance. By understanding the types of scams that proliferate on WhatsApp and implementing the tips provided, you can significantly enhance your digital safety. Remember to stay cautious, question unusual requests, and keep your security settings updated. Educating yourself and your contacts about these risks is your best defense against becoming a victim of a scam. Always take swift action if you suspect a scam, as doing so not only protects you but helps maintain the integrity of the platform for all users.

We hope this comprehensive guide on WhatsApp scams provides a detailed idea of these scams. If there’s anything more you’d like to explore or if you have any other questions, feel free to ask us in the below comments section!

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