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Twitter (X) Image Sizes (Dimensions & Specifications)

You craft the perfect tweet, witty and informative. You find the most relevant image to complement your text. But then, disaster strikes! When you post your tweet, the image appears pixelated and unrecognizable.

Sound familiar? Uploading blurry images to X (formerly Twitter) is a common frustration. The platform allows for some flexibility in image dimensions, but if you don’t get it right, your carefully chosen visuals can end up detracting from your message.

This guide will put those blurry image days behind you! We’ll break down the ideal dimensions and specifications for all types of images available on Twitter, now ‘X’, from profile pictures to in-feed photos. With this knowledge in hand, you can ensure your visuals are always crisp, clear, and engaging for your audience. Read on to learn more.

Best Twitter (X) Image Sizes (Dimensions & Specs)

1. Twitter Post Image Sizes – In-Stream Images

Twitter Image Size Guide

Landscape Images:

When crafting visuals for Twitter, landscape images are often favored for their wide and accommodating format that naturally fits into Twitter’s stream layout. Opting for a size of 1024 by 512 pixels, or scaling up to 1600 by 900 pixels, provides enough detail for high-quality displays while ensuring the image remains impactful without excessive cropping. This format is particularly effective for capturing scenic views or detailed horizontal subjects, making it ideal for brands or individuals looking to highlight expansive visuals.

The aspect ratio of 2:1 is recommended for desktop viewing, which seamlessly integrates into the feed without losing important details off the edges. On mobile devices, this ratio helps maintain the image’s integrity across varying screen sizes. Ensuring your image does not exceed the 5 MB limit is crucial for quick loading times and maintaining user engagement on both mobile and desktop versions of Twitter.

Square Images:

Square images offer a unique visual appeal with their balanced symmetry, making them a popular choice for posts that aim for aesthetic neatness and focus. The dimensions of 1200 by 1200 pixels provide ample space to showcase clear and detailed content, whether it’s a product shot, a graphic, or a personal photo. This shape fits perfectly within the confines of Twitter’s streamlined design, ensuring that no cropping occurs and the entire image is displayed.

Using a square format with a 1:1 aspect ratio also simplifies the design process, as it looks consistent across different devices and user interfaces. This makes it especially suitable for posts that aim to attract attention quickly and effectively. However, it’s vital to keep the file size under 5 MB to enhance the upload speed and accessibility for users scrolling through their feeds.

Portrait Images:

Portrait images on Twitter are ideal for content that benefits from a vertical format, such as full-body photos, infographics, or posters. The recommended dimensions of 1080 by 1350 pixels allow for detailed and elongated visuals, which are more engaging in a mobile-first world where vertical content dominates. This format provides a larger visual field compared to landscape, making it suitable for storytelling or conveying information that benefits from extended vertical space.

The aspect ratios of 3:4 or 5:4 are optimized for mobile viewing, ensuring that the images appear full and uncut in most user feeds, enhancing the visual impact and engagement. Portrait images should also adhere to the 5 MB size limit to maintain quick loading times and prevent any lag, which is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience on mobile devices.

Pro Tip:

Choose the image format based on the content’s nature and the message you wish to convey. Landscape images work best for expansive views, square images for focused content, and portrait images for detailed, elongated visuals. Always preview your image on both desktop and mobile to ensure it delivers the intended impact without technical hitches.

 2. Twitter Profile Picture Image Dimensions

  • Prefer Square: 400 by 400 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Maximum image size: 2 MB

Your Twitter profile picture is a cornerstone of your online identity, serving as a visual representation of you or your brand across the platform. It is the first image that greets users interacting with your tweets, profile, or messages, making its clarity and quality paramount. The recommended size for a profile picture is 400 by 400 pixels. This square dimension ensures that the image remains centered and uniformly scaled, regardless of where it appears on the site.

The aspect ratio for profile pictures is 1:1, which is perfect for maintaining the image’s original symmetry without any awkward stretching or compressing. Whether it’s a logo or a personal photograph, keeping the image within this ratio guarantees it looks professional and polished in every setting on Twitter, from the smallest mobile screen to large desktop displays. Additionally, the maximum file size allowed is 2 MB, which is more than sufficient for a high-resolution image but small enough to facilitate quick loading times.

Pro Tip:

When selecting a profile picture, consider using a simple background and a clear focus on the subject (whether it’s your face or logo) to ensure it remains recognizable even at smaller sizes. Avoid overly detailed images that can become indecipherable when scaled down. Regularly updating your profile picture can also refresh your presence on Twitter and re-engage your audience.

3.  Twitter Header/Banner Image Sizes

  • Prefer Landscape: 1500 x 500 pixels (recommended)
  • Aspect ratio: 3:1
  • Maximum image size: 5 MB

The Twitter header or banner is a significant element of your profile, acting as a backdrop that sets the tone and personality for your entire page. With a recommended dimension of 1500 x 500 pixels, this landscape image offers a broad canvas to showcase a panoramic view of your brand, interests, or aesthetic tastes. This wide format is ideal for capturing the attention of visitors to your profile, providing a visually engaging experience that complements your profile picture and tweets.

Given its prominence, the aspect ratio of 3:1 is crucial as it ensures the image spans the top of your profile without distorting key elements of the design. This ratio allows for creative flexibility, enabling you to include intricate designs or wide-angle photographs that tell a story or convey a mood. It’s important to remember the maximum image size is 5 MB, which supports high-resolution images without slowing down loading times on the platform.

Pro Tip:

When designing your Twitter header, consider the placement of your profile picture in the lower left corner, which overlaps the banner. Ensure that any critical information or focal points in the banner are not obscured by the profile image. Utilize the width of the banner to include elements that lead the viewer’s eye towards your profile picture, reinforcing the visual hierarchy and integration between the banner and the profile image.

4. Twitter Card Sizes

Twitter cards enrich your tweets with media content that directs users to your website or app, providing a visually engaging and informative browsing experience. Each type of Twitter card has specific dimensions tailored to ensure optimal display and performance on the platform.

Summary Card

  • Dimensions: 120 x 90 pixels (small image) or 120 x 120 pixels (large image)
  • Aspect Ratio: 2:1
  • Maximum Image Size: 1 MB

Summary cards are designed to enhance tweets linking to articles, blog posts, or website pages. They combine a concise visual with a headline and some teaser text, offering a snapshot that encourages users to explore the full content. The small size of the images ensures quick loading times and maintains the focus on the accompanying text, striking a balance that enhances the overall appeal of the tweet.

Pro Tip:

Choose images for summary cards that are visually striking and representative of the linked content. The image should spark curiosity and complement the text, driving clicks and engagement. Avoid overly busy images that might detract from the text and message.

Player Card

  • Dimensions: Depends on the content format; generally, larger dimensions are used to accommodate media playback.
  • Aspect Ratio: Variable, typically 16:9 for video content
  • Maximum Image Size: 5 MB

Player cards are tailored for tweets that aim to deliver rich media experiences like video or audio directly within Twitter’s timeline. This card type supports media playback directly from the tweet, making it a powerful tool for engagement through multimedia such as videos, audio tracks, or podcasts.

Pro Tip:

When using player cards, ensure that the media content is optimized for mobile and desktop viewing. Consider the initial frame or thumbnail of the video or audio as this serves as the hook to draw viewers in. Make sure it is enticing and relevant to the content.

App Card

  • Dimensions: 800 x 800 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1
  • Maximum Image Size: 3 MB

App cards are specifically designed to showcase mobile applications. They provide a direct link to download the app, coupled with a visual and a description. The square dimension allows for a balanced display of the app’s logo or a relevant image, coupled with key information aimed at encouraging downloads.

Pro Tip:

For app cards, use clear and appealing visuals that highlight the features or benefits of the app. Keep the text concise and action-oriented, focusing on what users gain by downloading the app. The visual should align with your branding to enhance recognition and trust.

5. Twitter Ad Image Sizes And Dimensions

Twitter ads help reach a broader audience and engage directly with potential customers. Each type of ad has specific image sizes and dimensions that are optimized for visibility and interaction.


  • Dimensions: 800 x 800 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: 1:1

Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad unit. Each slide of the carousel can feature different products, features, or messages, providing a comprehensive visual experience. The square format of 800 x 800 pixels ensures that each image in the carousel is displayed clearly and attractively, making it ideal for storytelling or showcasing a catalog of products.

Pro Tip:

When designing carousel ads, maintain a cohesive theme or narrative across all slides. Consistency in style and content helps in keeping the viewer’s interest and makes the overall message more impactful. High-quality images and a clear call-to-action on each slide can significantly increase engagement rates.

Direct Message Card

  • Dimensions: 800 x 418 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: Approximately 2:1

Direct message cards are designed to encourage interaction through personalized messages. These cards are especially effective for campaigns aiming to foster closer communication with users, such as customer support, event invitations, or exclusive offers.

Pro Tip:

Use inviting and conversational visuals for direct message cards. The image should prompt the user to engage and feel as if they are part of a one-on-one conversation. Include clear, compelling calls-to-action that encourage users to send a message.

Conversation Card

  • Dimensions: 800 x 418 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio: Approximately 2:1

Conversation cards are similar to direct message cards but are specifically tailored to initiate public conversations. They often include hashtags and encourage users to tweet about a topic, using the card as a conversation starter.

Pro Tip:

For conversation cards, select images that are topical and likely to inspire sharing and discussion. Include questions or prompts within the image that provoke thought and foster engagement from the community.

Video Ads

  • Dimensions: 1200 x 1200 pixels (for a 1:1 aspect ratio) or 1920 x 1080 pixels (for a 16:9 ratio)

Video ads on Twitter can be highly effective in capturing attention and conveying complex messages quickly. The option to choose between a square (1:1) or widescreen (16:9) format allows for flexibility depending on the content and the intended audience.

Pro Tip:

For video ads, ensure the content is engaging within the first few seconds to capture viewer interest. Optimize video quality for both mobile and desktop viewing and keep it concise to maintain engagement throughout the viewing period.

Best Practices To Upload Images On Twitter

When uploading images to Twitter, it’s important to not only meet the technical specifications but also to follow best practices that enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your visuals. Here are some essential tips to ensure your images make the most impact:

1. Optimize for Load Times: Ensure your images are optimized for quick loading without sacrificing quality. This involves balancing the resolution and file size, particularly important for mobile users who may have slower internet speeds. Tools like Adobe Photoshop or online compressors can reduce file sizes while keeping images sharp.

2. Maintain Image Quality: While keeping file sizes manageable, strive to maintain high image quality. Pixelated or blurry images can detract from your message and negatively impact your brand’s perception. Aim for the highest quality within the size limits, especially for profile pictures and banners that define your page’s aesthetic.

3. Use Consistent Branding: Consistency in your images reinforces your brand identity. Use your brand colors, logos, and style consistently across all images. This helps in building recognition and trust with your audience, making your content instantly recognizable across the platform.

4. Test on Multiple Devices: Since Twitter is accessed via various devices, from smartphones to tablets to desktops, test how your images look on different screens. An image that looks great on a desktop might be cut off or look different on a mobile device. Checking compatibility ensures your message is conveyed effectively across all user interfaces.

5. Accessibility: Consider accessibility by using alt text for images. Alt text allows users who utilize screen readers to understand what the image contains, making your content more inclusive. This practice not only improves accessibility but can also contribute positively to SEO on social platforms.


What media formats does Twitter support?

Twitter supports various media formats to enhance your tweets. For videos, the platform accepts MP4 and MOV formats on mobile apps and MP4 format with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec on the web. Videos should have a minimum resolution of 32 x 32 pixels and a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels, or 1200 x 1900 pixels vertically. For images, Twitter supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats, but animated GIFs are treated differently with specific size and frame restrictions.

What is the maximum file size allowed for uploads on Twitter?

For video uploads, Twitter allows a maximum file size of 512MB. However, it is recommended to keep video files within a smaller size range for faster processing and uploading. For images, the maximum file size varies depending on the image type but generally does not exceed 5MB. Larger files can be compressed to meet these requirements without significant loss of quality.

What is the maximum frame count allowed on Twitter?

While Twitter does not explicitly limit the frame count for videos, it recommends uploading videos at standard frame rates of 29.97 or 30 frames per second (fps). Higher frame rates up to 60 fps are also supported, particularly for high-motion video content like sports or action scenes. Keeping the frame rate within these limits ensures smooth playback and compatibility across all user devices.


Twitter’s image and media specifications are like a secret handshake between creators and viewers. They ensure your visuals are displayed perfectly, fostering a smooth and engaging experience for everyone. By following these guidelines and best practices, you’ll unlock the power of Twitter’s visual language. You’ll not only elevate your presence but also connect more effectively with your audience, crafting impactful messages that resonate through eye-catching visuals. Remember, keeping an eye on any platform updates and adapting accordingly ensures your content stays fresh and continues to make a splash on Twitter.

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