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SoapUI vs Postman | Comparison of API Testing Tools

When comparing API testing tools, the two prominent contenders are: SoapUI and Postman. In modern software development, choosing the right tool for testing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of a development team. SoapUI and Postman both offer robust solutions for API testing, each with its own strengths and capabilities. While SoapUI boasts extensive support for both SOAP and RESTful APIs, along with advanced testing features and scripting options, Postman shines with its user-friendly interface, collaboration features, and streamlined workflows. Understanding the distinctions between SoapUI vs Postman is crucial for organizations seeking to optimize their API testing processes and deliver high-quality software products.

What are API Testing Tools?

API testing tools are essential software solutions designed to evaluate the functionality, reliability, and performance of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These tools are instrumental in verifying the interactions between various software components or systems by simulating API calls, examining responses, and validating expected outcomes. API testing tools come in diverse types, each tailored to specific testing requirements and preferences.

One prominent type of API testing tool is the standalone software application, which is installed locally on a user’s machine or server. These tools provide comprehensive testing capabilities, including functional testing, load testing, security testing, and more. Popular standalone API testing tools include SoapUI, Postman, and REST Assured.

Another type of API testing tool is cloud-based platforms, which offer a convenient and scalable solution for testing APIs without the need for local installations or infrastructure management. These platforms typically provide features such as collaborative testing, continuous integration, and cloud-based execution environments. Examples of cloud-based API testing platforms include SwaggerHub, Runscope, and APIMATIC.

Additionally, browser extensions are a lightweight and convenient type of API testing tool that integrates directly into web browsers, enabling users to perform API testing directly within their browser environment. Browser extensions are particularly useful for quick ad-hoc testing or debugging API calls during web development. Popular browser extensions for API testing include Postman Interceptor and RESTClient.


SoapUI stands as one of the most comprehensive API testing tools available, revered for its versatility and robust features. Developed by SmartBear Software, SoapUI provides a user-friendly interface coupled with powerful testing capabilities, making it a preferred choice for testers and developers alike.

Originally designed for testing SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) APIs, SoapUI has evolved to support RESTful APIs as well, making it suitable for testing a wide range of web services.

Features and Capabilities

  • Support for SOAP and RESTful APIs: SoapUI’s hallmark feature is its support for both SOAP and RESTful APIs. This versatility allows testers to seamlessly test APIs regardless of their underlying protocol, providing flexibility in testing various types of web services.
  • Functional Testing: SoapUI excels in functional testing, allowing users to create and execute test cases to verify the correctness of API behaviors and responses. Test cases can be designed to cover various scenarios, including positive and negative test cases, boundary testing, and data-driven testing.
  • Load Testing: Another notable feature of SoapUI is its capability to conduct load testing, enabling users to assess the performance and scalability of their APIs under different load conditions. SoapUI can simulate multiple virtual users making concurrent API requests, providing insights into response times, throughput, and resource utilization.
  • Mocking Services: SoapUI facilitates the creation of mock services, allowing testers to simulate API responses without the need for the actual backend implementation. Mock services are invaluable for early-stage testing, enabling teams to develop and test client applications independently of backend services.
  • Scripting Capabilities: SoapUI offers robust scripting capabilities, allowing users to extend and customize their test cases using scripting languages such as Groovy. This flexibility enables advanced users to implement complex test scenarios, manipulate data dynamically, and integrate with external systems or services.

Pros and Cons


  • Robust Testing Capabilities: SoapUI boasts a wide array of testing capabilities, including functional testing, load testing, security testing, and more, providing comprehensive coverage for API testing requirements.
  • Extensive Protocol Support: With support for both SOAP and RESTful APIs, SoapUI caters to a broad spectrum of web services, ensuring compatibility with various API implementations.
  • Rich Scripting Options: SoapUI’s scripting capabilities empower users to customize and extend their test cases, offering flexibility in implementing complex testing scenarios and integrating with external systems or services.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: While SoapUI provides extensive features, its rich functionality may result in a steeper learning curve for new users. Mastering SoapUI’s advanced capabilities may require time and effort, particularly for individuals unfamiliar with API testing concepts and methodologies.
  • Heavyweight and Resource-intensive: SoapUI is known for its resource-intensive nature, consuming significant system resources, especially when conducting load testing or working with large test suites. This heaviness can pose challenges for users with limited hardware resources or running SoapUI on resource-constrained environments.


Postman has emerged as a leading API testing tool known for its intuitive interface and powerful features. Developed by Postdot Technologies, Postman offers a comprehensive platform for designing, testing, and managing APIs, catering primarily to RESTful API testing needs.

Its user-friendly interface and versatility have made it a favorite among developers, testers, and API consumers alike. Postman simplifies the process of API testing and collaboration, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity in API development projects.

Features and Capabilities

  • Support for RESTful APIs: Postman excels in testing RESTful APIs, providing a range of tools and features tailored to REST API testing requirements. Users can create and execute requests, organize them into collections, and leverage advanced features for request customization and validation.
  • Collection Management: Postman offers robust collection management capabilities, allowing users to organize and group API requests into collections for better organization and reuse. Collections can be shared across teams, making it easier to collaborate on API testing and development tasks.
  • Automated Testing: Postman supports automated testing through its built-in testing framework, enabling users to create and execute test scripts to validate API responses automatically. Automated tests can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines for continuous testing and delivery.
  • Collaboration Features: Postman facilitates collaboration among team members through features such as shared workspaces, comments, and version control. Teams can collaborate on API development and testing tasks in real-time, fostering communication and teamwork.
  • Scripting Capabilities: Postman offers scripting capabilities using JavaScript, allowing users to customize and extend their test scripts and workflows. Scripting enables advanced test scenarios, data manipulation, and integration with external systems or services.

Pros and cons


  • User-friendly Interface: Postman’s intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate and use its features, reducing the learning curve and enhancing productivity.
  • Lightweight and Easy to Set Up: Postman is lightweight and requires minimal setup, making it accessible to users across different platforms and environments.
  • Excellent Collaboration Features: Postman’s collaboration features, such as shared workspaces and version control, promote teamwork and facilitate seamless collaboration among team members.


  • Limited Support for SOAP APIs: Postman’s primary focus is on RESTful APIs, and it offers limited support for SOAP APIs compared to dedicated SOAP testing tools like SoapUI.
  • Less Robust Load Testing Capabilities: While Postman supports load testing, its capabilities in this area are not as extensive or robust as those offered by tools like SoapUI. Organizations with significant load testing requirements may find Postman’s load testing features insufficient for their needs.

SoapUI vs Postman

Functional Testing

Both SoapUI and Postman offer robust functional testing capabilities, allowing users to create and execute test cases to verify API behaviors and responses. SoapUI provides comprehensive support for functional testing, offering a wide range of features for designing and executing test cases across SOAP and RESTful APIs.

Postman, on the other hand, excels in functional testing for RESTful APIs, providing a user-friendly interface and powerful testing tools for creating and managing test suites.

Load Testing

SoapUI is renowned for its robust load testing capabilities, enabling users to simulate high loads and assess the performance and scalability of APIs under stress conditions. SoapUI allows users to define load test scenarios, simulate multiple virtual users, and analyze performance metrics such as response times and throughput.

While Postman also supports load testing, its capabilities in this area are not as extensive or configurable as SoapUI’s, making it more suitable for basic load testing requirements.

Mocking Services

Both SoapUI and Postman support mocking services, allowing users to simulate API responses without the need for actual backend implementations. Mock services are invaluable for early-stage testing and development, enabling teams to test client applications independently of backend services.

SoapUI offers robust mocking capabilities with advanced options for simulating dynamic responses and complex scenarios. Postman also provides mocking features, albeit with a simpler interface and fewer customization options compared to SoapUI.

Scripting Capabilities

SoapUI and Postman both offer scripting capabilities for extending and customizing test scenarios. SoapUI supports scripting using languages such as Groovy, providing advanced users with flexibility in implementing complex test logic and integrating with external systems.

Postman supports scripting using JavaScript, allowing users to customize test scripts and workflows within the Postman environment. While both tools offer scripting capabilities, SoapUI’s scripting options are generally more extensive and powerful.

User Interface

Postman is widely praised for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and utilize its features. Postman’s clean and modern interface provides a streamlined workflow for creating, organizing, and executing API tests, reducing the learning curve for new users.

SoapUI also offers a user-friendly interface, but it may appear more complex and cluttered compared to Postman, particularly for users unfamiliar with API testing concepts and methodologies.

Learning Curve

Postman generally has a lower learning curve compared to SoapUI, thanks to its intuitive interface and simplified workflow. New users can quickly grasp the basics of API testing with Postman and start creating and executing tests without extensive training or prior experience.

SoapUI, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its rich feature set and more complex interface. Users may require more time and effort to become proficient in SoapUI, especially when looking into advanced functionalities such as load testing and scripting.

Protocol Support


SoapUI is designed specifically for testing SOAP APIs and provides comprehensive support for SOAP-based web services. It offers a wide range of features and tools tailored to SOAP testing requirements, including WSDL import, SOAP request generation, and XML validation.

Postman, while primarily focused on RESTful APIs, also offers limited support for SOAP APIs through its request builder and scripting capabilities. However, organizations with significant SOAP testing needs may find SoapUI more suitable for their requirements.


Both SoapUI and Postman excel in testing RESTful APIs, offering extensive support and features for designing, executing, and automating REST API tests. Both tools allow users to create requests, organize them into collections, and validate responses, making them suitable for testing a wide range of RESTful APIs.

While SoapUI provides a more comprehensive testing environment with additional functionalities such as load testing and mocking services, Postman’s user-friendly interface and collaboration features make it a preferred choice for many users working with REST APIs.

Collaboration Features

Both SoapUI and Postman offer collaboration features to facilitate teamwork and communication among team members. Postman provides shared workspaces, version control, and comments, allowing teams to collaborate on API development and testing tasks in real-time.

SoapUI also offers collaboration features, such as project sharing and integration with version control systems, enabling teams to collaborate effectively on API testing projects. However, Postman’s collaboration features are generally more user-friendly and accessible, making it easier for teams to collaborate on API-related tasks.

Extensibility and Customization

Both SoapUI and Postman offer extensibility and customization options to meet the unique requirements of different users and organizations. SoapUI supports customization through scripting using languages such as Groovy, allowing users to extend test scenarios and integrate with external systems or services.

Postman offers scripting capabilities using JavaScript, enabling users to customize test scripts and workflows within the Postman environment. Additionally, both tools support integration with third-party tools and services through APIs, enabling users to enhance their testing workflows and integrate with existing development and testing toolchains.

When to Choose SoapUI?

SoapUI is an ideal choice for organizations and teams with complex API testing needs, particularly those working extensively with SOAP APIs or requiring advanced testing functionalities. Organizations that prioritize comprehensive testing capabilities, including functional testing, load testing, and mocking services, will benefit from SoapUI’s robust feature set.

Additionally, SoapUI is well-suited for teams with experienced testers or developers who are familiar with scripting languages like Groovy and require extensive customization options for their test scenarios. Furthermore, organizations with stringent performance requirements or those operating in regulated industries where thorough testing is essential may find SoapUI’s advanced load testing capabilities and support for standards compliance beneficial.

When to Choose Postman?

Postman is an excellent choice for organizations and teams seeking a user-friendly and collaborative API testing solution, particularly for testing RESTful APIs. Its intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make it accessible to users of all skill levels, including developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders. Postman is particularly well-suited for agile development environments where rapid testing and iteration are essential, thanks to its quick setup and ease of use.

Teams that prioritize collaboration and require features such as shared workspaces, version control, and comments will find Postman’s collaboration features invaluable for coordinating API testing efforts across distributed teams. Additionally, organizations with minimal load testing requirements or those primarily focused on functional testing and automation will find Postman’s lightweight and versatile platform sufficient for their needs.


The comparison between SoapUI and Postman highlights the diverse range of features and capabilities offered by these two leading API testing tools. While SoapUI excels in its robust support for SOAP APIs, extensive testing functionalities, and rich scripting options, Postman stands out for its user-friendly interface, collaboration features, and ease of use, particularly for testing RESTful APIs.

The decision between SoapUI vs Postman ultimately depends on the specific needs, preferences, and technical requirements of the organization or development team.


1. What are the main differences between SoapUI and Postman?

Answer: SoapUI is a comprehensive API testing tool known for its robust support for both SOAP and RESTful APIs, extensive testing capabilities, and rich scripting options. In contrast, Postman focuses primarily on testing RESTful APIs, offering a user-friendly interface, collaboration features, and streamlined workflows. While both tools excel in API testing, SoapUI is favored for its advanced functionalities and support for SOAP APIs, whereas Postman is praised for its ease of use and collaboration features.

2. Which tool is better for load testing: SoapUI or Postman?

Answer: SoapUI is widely regarded as the go-to tool for load testing due to its robust capabilities in simulating high loads, assessing performance, and scalability of APIs. It allows users to define complex load test scenarios, simulate multiple virtual users, and analyze performance metrics. While Postman also supports load testing, its capabilities in this area are less extensive compared to SoapUI, making SoapUI the preferred choice for organizations with significant load testing requirements.

3. Can we use both SoapUI and Postman for functional testing?

Answer: Yes, both SoapUI and Postman are capable of functional testing, allowing users to create and execute test cases to verify API behaviors and responses. SoapUI provides comprehensive support for functional testing across SOAP and RESTful APIs, offering advanced features for designing and executing test cases. Postman, on the other hand, specializes in functional testing for RESTful APIs, providing a user-friendly interface and powerful testing tools for creating and managing test suites.

4. Are SoapUI and Postman suitable for collaboration among team members?

Answer: Yes, both SoapUI and Postman offer collaboration features to facilitate teamwork and communication among team members. Postman provides shared workspaces, version control, and comments, allowing teams to collaborate on API development and testing tasks in real-time. SoapUI also offers collaboration features, such as project sharing and integration with version control systems, enabling effective collaboration on API testing projects.

5. Which tool has better support for scripting and customization: SoapUI or Postman?

Answer: Both SoapUI and Postman offer scripting capabilities for extending and customizing test scenarios. SoapUI supports scripting using languages such as Groovy, providing advanced users with flexibility in implementing complex test logic and integrating with external systems. Postman supports scripting using JavaScript, enabling users to customize test scripts and workflows within the Postman environment. While both tools offer scripting capabilities, SoapUI’s scripting options are generally more extensive and powerful.

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