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Snapchat Planets: A Quick Guide To Friend’s Solar System

Does Snapchat have planets? If you’ve ever wondered about the celestial dynamics within this popular social platform, this article will shed light on Snapchat’s unique approach to visualizing social interactions. Unlike the universal solar system, Snapchat has crafted a system that uses planetary metaphors to represent social connections.

What Are Snapchat Planets?

The Snapchat Best Friends Planets feature is an exclusive aspect of Snapchat Plus, not available to regular users. Within this system, you are represented as the Sun, and the eight “universal planets” — from Mercury to Neptune—symbolize your closest friends on Snapchat. The position of these Snapchat Plus planets around you will be changed based on the frequency of interactions with each friend, offering a dynamic and visually engaging way to gauge your relationships.

Detailed Insights Into Snapchat’s Friend Solar System

The Friend Solar System on Snapchat is an innovative feature that assigns each of your top eight friends a planet based on your level of interaction, from snaps to chats, and also provides deep insights into the nature of your connections.

Here’s How Does Snapchat’s Friends Solar System Works:

  • You are the Sun: Your profile picture is at the center, symbolizing the Sun.
  • Your Friends are the Planets: The friends you interact with most frequently are represented as planets orbiting around you. The more you interact with a friend, the closer their planet is to your central Sun, indicating a stronger connection.

How Friend Solar Systems Work-Planets Snapchat

Example of the Solar System in Action:

In this Snapchat Solar System – you are the Sun, and you have four close friends: Zoohe, Joshpe, Lisa, and Jenni. Suppose you share 300 snaps with Zoohe, 250 with Joshpe, 180 with Lisa, and 150 with Jenni. In this scenario:

  • Zoohe, with the highest interaction, represents Mercury, the planet closest to you.
  • Joshpe takes the position of Venus, the second closest.
  • Lisa aligns with Earth, the third.
  • Jenni corresponds to the fourth snapchat planet Mars.

Each friend’s representation as a planet not only indicates their rank in terms of closeness but also adds a playful and insightful layer to how you perceive your interactions on Snapchat. The depiction of a friend as a girl/boy sitting on their respective planet, with your image as the Sun, further personalizes this experience, making the Snapchat solar system a unique blend of social media and cosmic metaphor.

Snap Solar System-Snapchat Planet

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System & Planets – Meaning And Order:

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System offers a visually engaging and insightful way to understand your social interactions on this platform. Using a celestial metaphor, this feature transforms your friend list into a dynamic solar system where you (the user) are the Sun at the center, and your friends are represented as planets orbiting around you. Each planet corresponds to a different level of closeness and interaction frequency, providing a vivid depiction of your social landscape.

Here, we have explained the each snapchat planet orders and meaning in this solar system, capturing its unique design and significance:

Mercury: Positioned closest to you (the Sun), Mercury is depicted in brassy orange, pink, and grey, adorned with five red hearts. This planet represents your best friend (BFF), emphasizing a strong bond and affection. The Friendmoji for Mercury shows your friend facing you with a heartfelt smile and both hands on their chest.

Mercury-Snapchat Best Friend Planets

Venus: As the second planet snapchat, Venus features pale orange and brown swirls and is surrounded by two yellow, two pink, and one blue heart. It signifies a close friend with a deep emotional connection. The Friendmoji gesture for Venus includes one hand on their heart and the other touching the planet.

Venus-Snapchat Best Friends List Planets

Earth: The third planet, Earth, is visually represented by green continents and blue oceans, accompanied by a moon, stars, and four red hearts. It symbolizes a well-rounded and essential friendship, akin to Earth’s importance to life. The Friendmoji for Earth depicts your friend smiling cutely while sitting on the planet with both hands resting on it.

Earth-Planets Snapchat

Mars: Fourth in the solar system, Mars is a red planet highlighted by stars and two purple, and one blue hearts. It signifies a steady, growing friendship. The Friendmoji shows your friend sitting on the planet with one hand on it and the other on their head, offering a subtle smile.

Mars-Snapchat Planet Oder

Jupiter: Jupiter, the fifth closest planet, is a reddish-orange with multicolored swirls, including dark orange stripes, and is encircled by pink, blue, and yellow stars. It represents a significant friendship that has some emotional distance. The Friendmoji for Jupiter shows your friend sitting on the planet, one hand resting on it and the other waving, without a smile.

Jupiter-Snapchat Planet Meanings

Saturn: The sixth snapchat planet, Saturn, is orange-yellow with a large golden ring, surrounded by pink, blue, and yellow stars. It symbolizes a stable and secure friendship. The Friendmoji for Saturn features your friend a bit distant, with both hands on the planet, offering a small smile.

Saturn-Snapchat Plus Planets

Uranus: As the seventh planet, Uranus is a swirled green planet with yellow stars around it but no hearts, indicating a cooler, more distant relationship. The Friendmoji for Uranus shows your friend with both hands on the planet, maintaining a more distant posture without a smile.

Uranus-Snapchat Plus Planets

Neptune: The eighth and final planet, Neptune, is a deep blue and represents the most distant relationship, devoid of stars or hearts. It reflects a lack of emotional closeness. The Friendmoji for Neptune shows your friend facing away, with both hands placed on the planet, symbolizing detachment.

Neptune-Snapchat Planet

This detailed guide helps Snapchat Plus users visually gauge and appreciate the spectrum of friendships in their lives, each uniquely symbolized by a planetary icon in the Snapchat Solar System.

How To Enable & Disable This Solar System Feature?

Enabling the Friend Solar System on Snapchat:

Snapchat initially disables the Friends Solar System feature to ensure suitability for all ages. If you’re a Snapchat+ subscriber interested in enabling this feature, follow these steps for a seamless experience:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your device.
  • Tap the profile icon in the top left corner.
  • Click on the Snapchat+ option below your profile name.
  • Purchase the Snapchat Plus Subscription as you desired (monthly, half-yearly, or yearly) to start using various amazing features, including this Solar System.

Select Snapchat+ for Solar System

  • Scroll down to find the Friend’s Solar System.
  • Toggle the button next to the Solar System feature to turn it on.
    Select Solar System
  • A popup appears with “You will now be able to check where you are in a Best Friend’s orbit”
  • Click ‘Okay’ to confirm.
  • This will enable the Solar System feature on your Snapchat account.

To disable the feature:

If you ever need to disable the Solar System feature, whether it’s affecting your user experience or your friendships, the process is just as straightforward:

  • Open the Snapchat app.
  • Tap the profile icon in the top left corner.
  • Click on the Snapchat+ option.
  • Scroll down to find the Solar System feature.
  • Toggle the button to turn it off.
  • A popup appears – Hide Solar Systems – You will no longer be able to check where you are in a Best Friend’s orbit.
  • Select Okay to confirm your request to hide this solar system on your Snapchat account.

These steps will help you manage/control the Snapchat Solar System feature easily, allowing you to customize your Snapchat experience to suit your preferences.

How To Check Your Planetary Position On Your Friend’s Solar System

Curious about where you stand in a friend’s Snapchat world? You can find out which planet you are in their Friend Solar System, a visual feature that shows your rank among their friends based on interactions. You’ll need an active Snapchat Plus subscription to access the Friend Solar System feature.

Friends Solar System on Snapchat

Here’s how to check it out:

  • Open Snapchat and navigate to your friend’s profile.
  • You can find their profile by searching for their username or swiping left on the camera screen.
  • Look beneath their username for a “Best Friends” or “Friends” badge with a gold outline.
  • This badge indicates you’re one of their top friends. (“Best Friends” means you’re also in their top eight friends list, while “Friends” means you’re in their top eight best friends, but they aren’t in yours.)
  • Tap the “Best Friends” or “Friends” badge (if available).
  • If your friend has enabled the Friend Solar System feature, this will reveal their solar system, showing their eight closest Snapchat friends as planets.

What Are The Other Premium Features Of Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat Plus enhances your social experience by offering additional premium features that go beyond ranking your friends. These features include:

  • Ghost Trails: Track the recent locations where your friends have been on Snapchat.
  • Story Re-Watch Count: See how many times your stories have been rewatched by your friends.
  • Pin Your Contact as BFF: Keep your closest friends easily accessible by pinning them at the top of your chat list.
  • Customizable Chat Wallpapers: Personalize your chats with unique background designs for a more engaging experience.

Overall, Snapchat Plus provides a more customized and interactive way to manage and enjoy your social connections, making your interactions more meaningful and fun.

How Much Does A Snapchat+ Subscription Cost?

For your convenience, here’s a brief overview of the Snapchat Plus subscription costs in various countries:

Country One Month Six Months One Year
United States $3.99 $21.99 $39.99
United Kingdom £3.99 £21.99 £39.99
India Rs. 49 —- Rs. 499

Note:  Snapchat officially announced a free trial for a week after taking a Snapchat Plus subscription. This is particularly useful as it allows you to test all the features of Snapchat Plus without any cost for one week. This period helps you determine if the premium features are worthwhile for you before committing to a paid subscription. If you decide to continue, payment will be processed after the 7-day trial. If not, ensure to cancel the subscription to avoid charges.

Things to Remember While Using Snapchat’s Friends Solar System:

  • The Friend Solar System is a snapshot of recent interactions, not a definitive ranking of friendships. Even friends in the outer reaches can be great connections in other ways.
  • For new Snapchat+ subscribers, the feature is disabled by default but can be enabled in settings.
  • While fun, the Friend Solar System can cause anxiety or stress for some users. Snapchat allows you to disable it if needed.
  • If you don’t see the badge or solar system feature, your friend might not have Snapchat+ or has disabled the feature.


What Determines the Order of Snapchat’s Best Friends?

The order of Snapchat’s best friends is influenced by how frequently you interact with them. The more you exchange snaps and chat with someone over consecutive weeks, the higher they rank in your best friends list. The person you interact with the most will be designated as your top best friend and symbolically assigned the planet Mercury in Snapchat’s interface. This dynamic ranking system reflects your current interactions and friendships.

How Many Best Friend Planets Are There on Snapchat?

Snapchat features eight best friend planets, with each planet assigned to one of your top eight best friends. This celestial-themed system visually represents your closest Snapchat connections.

What Does Neptune Represent in Snapchat’s Solar System?

In Snapchat’s Friend Solar System, Neptune is the eighth and final planet. It is represented with a blue color. Being assigned to Neptune means you hold the eighth position on your friend’s best friends list. Essentially, if you are linked to the planet Neptune, it signifies that you are the eighth closest friend in your friend’s Snapchat circle.

How Can You Quickly Become #1 Best Friends with Someone on Snapchat?

There’s no guaranteed way to make someone your “best friend” on Snapchat. True friendship comes from genuine connection and frequent interaction. To secure the #1 best friend spot on Snapchat, you need to frequently exchange snaps and chats with a particular person more than anyone else for at least two consecutive weeks. Share interesting content and stories, respond promptly, and show interest in their life. The more interactions you have, the faster they ascend to the top of your best friends list, earning the coveted #1 spot.

Can You View Snapchat Planets Without a Subscription?

No, viewing Snapchat’s planets requires a subscription. You must be subscribed to Snapchat Plus to access this feature. Access to Snapchat Plus Planets is not free. To see which planet you represent in your friend’s list, you must be a Snapchat Plus subscriber. This feature is exclusively designed for premium users.

Do Snapchat’s Planets Align Like Real-World Planets?

Yes, the arrangement of Snapchat’s planets mimics that of the real-world solar system.

How to get Snapchat+ for your account?

Snapchat+ is a subscription service within the Snapchat app. You can find it by following these steps:
* Open Snapchat and tap on your Bitmoji profile picture in the top left corner.
* Scroll down and tap on “Snapchat+”.
* You’ll see subscription options with different durations and prices. Choose the plan that suits you

Can I view my friends’ solar system?

You can only view a friend’s solar system if:
* They have Snapchat+: The Friend Solar System feature is exclusive to Snapchat+ subscribers.
* You’re one of their top eight friends: The feature only displays their eight most interacted-with friends.
* They have enabled the feature: The Friend Solar System might be disabled by default.

What to do if a friend’s solar system isn’t working on Snapchat?

Here are some things to try:
* Ensure both you and your friend have Snapchat+ subscriptions.
* Verify your friend has enabled the Friend Solar System feature in their settings.
* Restart the Snapchat app on both of your devices.
* Check for updates to the Snapchat app.
If none of these solutions work, there might be a temporary glitch with the feature. You can try again later or reach out to Snapchat support for further assistance.


Snapchat’s Friend Solar System is a fun way to visualize how you interact with friends on the app. However, it’s important to remember its limitations. This feature is best used as a lighthearted exploration of user engagement, not as a true measure of real-world friendships. Genuine connections are built through deeper, more meaningful interactions beyond the digital realm.

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