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How To Get Verified On Twitter (Now X)?

The blue checkmark on Twitter. It’s a status symbol, a trust signal, and maybe even a gateway to internet fame (or at least a few more followers). But the road to verification is paved with…well, not exactly good intentions. This guide will break down what it takes to get verified, but don’t be surprised if you hit a few bumps (and frustrations) along the way. Here’s the truth about Twitter verification, the good, the bad, and the inevitable blue checkmark blues.

What Is A Twitter Verification?

Twitter verification is a process designed to establish and confirm the authenticity of users on the platform, now known as X. Having a verified badge next to your name signifies that you are a recognized or influential entity, whether as an individual or a business. This process involves a verification request through which X confirms that the account belongs to who it claims to represent. Achieving verification can offer significant Twitter advantages, such as increased trust and visibility, which are crucial for both personal branding and corporate entities.

Overview Of Twitter Verification Program

Historically, the verification request Twitter process was open to those who met certain guidelines, emphasizing public interest figures. However, it wasn’t an endorsement from Twitter, a common misconception that led to confusion and controversy.

In 2017, concerns about perceived endorsement led Twitter to pause its verification process, reevaluating the program to better clarify its purpose. This pause lasted until 2021 when Twitter, responding to user feedback, reopened applications for verification, removing the follower count requirement and broadening access.

Verify Twitter account criteria underwent a major transformation in late 2022, following Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform. The new system, part of a subscription service, required users to subscribe to X Premium (formerly Twitter Blue) and verify their phone number. Despite initial challenges with impersonations, the revised approach aimed to democratize verification, making it accessible to any subscriber, thus altering the prestige traditionally associated with the blue checkmark.

In 2023, further changes were implemented: accounts verified under the old system lost their verification unless they subscribed to X Premium, marking a definitive end to the legacy verification era. This shift underscores a broader evolution in the platform’s strategy, aiming to ensure that the Twitter verification badge represents active and authenticated engagement rather than celebrity or influence status alone.

How To Get Verified On Twitter (Now X)?

Getting verified on X, formerly known as Twitter, involves a clear but structured process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the Twitter verification process effectively.

Step:1  Must Be Actively Subscribed To X Premium

To start the Twitter verification process, you need to be an active subscriber of X Premium. This is a crucial first step as it shows your dedication to the platform and provides access to exclusive features.

To get the Twitter verified blue badge, tap on your profile on your mobile and select “Premium” from the menu. Then, choose the plan that suits you, either monthly or annually.

If you’re using the web version, log in to your Twitter profile and click on “Premium” from the left-side menu.

how to verify on twitter-how to verify twitter

Note: Prices for X Premium may vary between mobile and desktop devices, and can also differ based on your location. This subscription is essential for anyone looking to verify their Twitter account and gain the benefits of the Twitter verification badge.

Step:2  Satisfy Twitter Eligibility Requirements

All X Premium subscribers do not automatically get verified. Subscription is just the first step to get verified on Twitter. Once subscribed, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. You need to ensure that your profile meets these criteria to proceed with the Twitter verification process.

  • Account is Complete: First, your account must be complete, with a profile name and profile picture. Make sure to mention your name and add a profile image to your Twitter account.
  • Active Use: Your account must have been active in the past 30 days to subscribe to X Premium. So make sure to maintain your twitter actively. Also your account must be older than 90 days.
  • Security: Security is another key aspect. Your account must have a confirmed phone number.
  • Your account must not be deceptive. This means:
    • No recent changes to your profile photo, display name, or handle.
    • No signs of being misleading or deceptive.
    • No signs of engaging in platform manipulation and spam.

Once you meet these Twitter verification requirements, the Twitter team will review your profile. The verification badge will appear once your Premium subscribed account meets all the necessary criteria. This ensures the authenticity and credibility of your presence on the platform.

Benefits Of Twitter Verified Badge?

Having a verified badge boosts your profile’s authenticity and credibility. This blue check mark reassures users that the information and interactions from your account are trustworthy. This is especially crucial for public figures and brands aiming to maintain a reputable online presence. Here are some advantages of Twitter Verified Badge:

  • Authenticity and Credibility: The Twitter verified badge establishes a seal of authenticity for your profile. It signifies that your identity or brand is recognized and confirmed by X. This recognition is crucial in building trust with your audience, enhancing your credibility in an environment where fake profiles abound.
  • Improved Reporting and Issue Resolution: With verification comes a priority status in reporting and resolving issues. Verified accounts typically experience quicker responses to reports of impersonation or other concerns, ensuring a safer and more secure user experience.
  • Increased Visibility and Recognition: Being verified on X increases your visibility. The badge makes your profile more likely to be seen in search results and suggestions, boosting your reach and influence across the platform. This increased visibility can lead to more organic followers and greater overall engagement.
  • Elevated Professionalism: A verified badge on your profile adds a professional touch, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses and public figures. It shows potential clients and collaborators that X has endorsed your presence, which can enhance your professional appeal and opportunities.
  • Access to Special Features: Verification on X often comes with access to advanced features not available to regular users. These might include analytical tools, customization options, and early access to new features, all designed to enhance your user experience.
  • Opportunities for Partnerships and Collaborations: A verified badge can open doors to new partnerships and collaborations. Other verified users and companies often prefer to connect with profiles that carry the same level of authenticity and professionalism, leading to more fruitful networking opportunities.
  • Enhanced Network Opportunities: The blue checkmark can act as a beacon to others in your industry, signaling that your account is a key player. This can lead to increased networking opportunities, as other professionals and companies are more likely to engage with verified accounts.
  • Direct Access to New Features: Verified users often receive direct access to beta features and updates before they are rolled out to the broader community. This can give you a competitive edge, allowing you to utilize and adapt to new tools ahead of others.
  • Increased Ad Efficiency: For those who use X for advertising or promotional purposes, the verified badge can increase the efficiency of ads. It lends an extra layer of legitimacy to all advertising efforts, potentially increasing conversion rates and the overall impact of campaigns.

Tips To Boost Your Twitter Verification Chances

Here are some practical tips designed to enhance your profile and make it stand out in the verification process:

Ensure Your Profile is Complete and Active: A complete and active profile is essential. Ensure that all bio sections are filled accurately, including your profile picture and cover photo. Regular activity, such as tweeting, retweeting, and engaging with your followers, shows X that your account is active and worthy of verification.

Include Links to Other Verified Accounts: If you’re associated with other verified accounts or brands, include these links in your bio. This can lend additional credibility to your account and establish a network of trust, signaling to X that your presence is recognized and respected within your community.

Highlight Your Achievements: Don’t shy away from mentioning significant achievements or press mentions in your bio. Whether you’ve received notable awards, recognitions, or have been featured in reputable publications, highlighting these accomplishments can bolster your notability and influence.

Showcase Your Authenticity: Authenticity is a cornerstone of verification. Make sure that the information provided is genuine and verifiable. Include professional and personal details that reinforce the legitimacy of your identity or brand.

Maintain a Public Account and Ensure Tweets Are Public: Keep your account settings public. Private accounts do not qualify for verification as X aims to endorse accounts that are intended for public interest. Ensuring that your tweets are accessible to everyone is crucial in maintaining transparency and openness.

Avoid Frequent Changes to Your Profile: Frequent changes to your profile information, like your username, bio, or profile photos, can be seen as signs of instability or identity confusion. Keep your profile consistent, especially in the period leading up to your application for verification.

Implementing these strategies not only prepares your account for a successful verification process but also enhances your overall presence on X.


How to verify yourself on Twitter?

Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to verify yourself on Twitter without contacting Twitter support. Verification badges are  manually awarded by Twitter after a thorough review process to ensure the account represents a public figure, brand, or entity of public interest.

Are there any other ways to get verified on Twitter?

Previously, Twitter offered verification through an application process that considered factors like follower count, account activity, and newsworthiness. As of now, that option is unavailable.

How much does it cost to get verified on Twitter?

The cost depends on your subscription method. Twitter Blue is $7/month on the web or $11/month on mobile apps (prices may vary depending on location).

What if I don’t qualify for Twitter Blue?

If you can’t afford Twitter Blue or don’t want to subscribe, focus on building your online presence organically. Here are some strategies:
* Grow your audience: Engage with relevant communities, collaborate with other accounts, and create valuable content.
* Get featured in media: Secure mentions or interviews in publications or online outlets related to your field.
* Build a strong online reputation: Maintain a professional and positive online presence to showcase your credibility.

Is there a way to check my verification status before applying?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a pre-verification process. Once you subscribe to Twitter Blue and fulfill the eligibility requirements, Twitter will review your profile and notify you of their decision.


That’s it! Getting verified on Twitter (X) takes effort, but by following these tips and staying active, you’ll be well on your way to that blue checkmark. Remember, Twitter values authenticity and engagement. Focus on building your audience and sharing great content, and verification might just follow.

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