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How To Fix Discord Stuck On “Checking For Updates”?

Is your Discord app stuck on the “Checking for Updates” screen? This common issue can be frustrating, especially when you’re eager to join your friends online. Fortunately, there are several straightforward solutions you can try to fix this problem. In this guide, we’ll walk you through simple steps to get Discord running smoothly again.

Why Is Discord Stuck On “Checking For Updates”?

There are a couple reasons why Discord might be stuck on “Checking for Updates.” Here are the most common culprits:

  • Network Issues: Discord needs a stable internet connection to download updates. Check your wi-fi or ethernet connection and restart your router if necessary.
  • Discord Servers: In rare cases, the issue might be on Discord’s end. You can check online forums or social media to see if other users are reporting similar problems.
  • Local App Data: Corrupted data in Discord’s local files can prevent updates. Deleting the Discord folder in App Data can resolve this.
  • Conflicting Software: Antivirus or firewall software might be blocking Discord’s update process. Try temporarily disabling them to see if it helps.

How To Fix Discord Stuck On “Checking For Updates”?

1. Check Discord Servers

Sometimes, Discord’s servers might not be working properly because they’re down for maintenance or having technical issues. If you’re having trouble updating Discord, it might be because of these problems. You can check if Discord is down by visiting their real-time status website.

2. Run Discord As Administrator

To ensure Discord updates smoothly, follow these steps:

  • Close the Discord app.
  • Press the Windows key + S to bring up the search menu.
  • Type “Discord” and right-click on the Discord app.
  • Select “Run as administrator” and grant the necessary permissions.

run as administrator - discord checking for updates



3. Reboot Your Computer And Router

To initiate a clean restart of your PC, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Windows icon located in the bottom-left corner of your screen.

press windows icon - discord checking for updates

  • Select the “Power” button from the menu that appears.

select power button - discord checking for updates

  • Choose “Restart” from the options provided.

choose restart - discord checking for updates

This action will shut down all processes, including the kernel, and give your PC a fresh start. This can often resolve issues with freezing or network problems that certain apps may be experiencing.

4. Disable Windows Defender And Antivirus

  • Press the Windows key + S to bring up the search bar.
  • Type “settings” and click on Settings in the search results.

click on settings - discord checking for updates

  • In the Settings window, go to “Privacy & Security”.

privacy and security - discord checking for updates

  • Click on “Windows Security”.

windows security - discord checking for updates

  • In the Windows Security window, click on “Virus & Threat Protection”.

Virus & Threat Protection - discord checking for updates

  • Disable “Defender and antivirus” by toggling it off.

Defender and antivirus - discord checking for updates



5. Clear Discord Cache Folder

  • Close the Discord app.
  • Press the Windows key + R to bring up the Run dialog.
  • Type ‘%appdata%’ in the ‘Open’ field and click ‘OK’.

clicl 'ok' - clear discord cache

  • In the ‘Roaming’ folder that opens up, look for a subfolder named ‘discord’.

roaming folder - clear discord cache

  • Delete the ‘discord’ folder.

delete discord - clear discord cache

  • Restart Discord and see if it updates properly.

6. Uninstall Discord

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type ‘appwiz.cpl’ in the ‘Open’ field and press Enter. This will open the Windows uninstaller.

type appwiz.cpl - uninstall discord

  • In the ‘programs and Features’ window, type ‘Discord’ in the search field.
  • Select the ‘Discord’ application from the list and click on ‘Uninstall’.

click uninstall - uninstall discord



What to do if Discord is stuck on the loading screen?

Try refreshing the page, clearing your browser cache, or restarting the Discord app. If the issue persists, check for any ongoing server outages or contact Discord support.

Why is my Discord not loading up?

Discord may not load due to internet connection issues, server problems, or outdated app versions. Try restarting the app or checking Discord’s status page for updates.

How can I check if Discord’s servers are causing the issue?

To check if Discord’s servers are causing issues, monitor Discord’s status page or community forums for reported outages or disruptions.

Should I restart my computer and router to resolve the issue?

Yes, restarting your computer and router can often resolve connectivity issues. It’s a simple yet effective troubleshooting step worth trying.

Why is Discord not loading about me?

Discord may not load due to server issues, poor internet connection, outdated app, or conflicting plugins. Try refreshing, updating, or reinstalling.


To fix Discord’s “Checking for Updates” problem, try these simple steps: restart the app, check your internet connection, clear Discord’s cache, or reinstall the app. Each step tackles various issues, from small glitches to bigger software conflicts. If the problem persists, reach out to Discord’s support team for personalized help. Following these steps systematically can help you quickly restore Discord’s functionality and stay connected without interruptions. We hope the information covered in this blog post helped. Thanks for reading.

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