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Discord Text Formatting – The Ultimate Guide

Discord offers a range of text formatting options to help you express yourself in style. Whether you’re chatting with friends or managing a server, knowing how to format your text can make your messages stand out. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the basics of Discord text formatting, including how to bold, italicize, underline and strikethrough text. We’ll also cover how to create code blocks and quote text for better communication. With these formatting tools at your fingertips, you’ll be able to convey your messages with clarity and flair on Discord.

What Is Discord Text Formatting?

Discord uses Markdown for text formatting, which is a simple system using plain text characters to achieve different text styles and presentations. This lets you add emphasis, improve readability, and organize your messages more effectively.

Here are some common Discord text formatting options:

  • Bold, Italics, and Underline: You can format text as bold using two asterisks (*) before and after the text. Similarly, use underscores (_) for italics and two underscores for underline.
  • Headers: Create headings of different sizes using the hash symbol (#). More hashtags (#) create smaller headers.
  • Code Blocks: Enclose your code with single backticks (`) for a single line of code or use three backticks (“`) for a multi-line code block. This preserves the formatting and spacing of your code.
  • Quotes: Use a greater than sign (>) before each line to create a quote block. Alternatively, you can use three right carats (>>>) before the entire quote.
  • Lists: Use asterisks (*) or hyphens (-) followed by a space to create bulleted lists. For numbered lists, use numbers followed by a dot (.) and a space.

How To Format Text In Discord?

1. Discord Bold Text

bold - discord text formattingTo make your text message bold, simply place two asterisks ** directly before and after the text you want to emphasize. Ensure there’s no space between the asterisks and the message itself.

2. Discord Italics

Italic - discord text formattingTo italicize your text, simply add one asterisk (*) or one underscore (_) before and after the content you want to emphasize. Make sure there is no space between the asterisk or underscore and the text.

3. Discord Strikethrough

strikethrough - discord text formattingTo include strikethrough in your sentence, simply place two tildes (~~) before and after the text you want to strike out. Ensure there are no spaces between the tildes and the text.

4. Discord Underline

underline - discord text formattingTo emphasize your words, simply insert two underscores __ before and after them. Make sure there’s no space between the underscores and the words, as well as no space between the two underscores.

5. Discord Highlighted Text

Highlight text - discord text formattingTo make your message stand out, you can use font highlighting. This creates a subtle spacing effect between letters, similar to monospaced or typewriter fonts.

To highlight text, simply enclose it with single backticks (`) on both sides.

You can find the backtick symbol located to the left of the number ‘1’ key, as mentioned earlier in the strikethrough formatting.

6. Discord Quote Text

quote text - discord text formattingTo quote a message on Discord, simply precede the text with a ‘greater than’ (>) sign followed by a space. This will add a quote bar to the left of the text, making it stand out. You can press the ‘Backspace’ key to remove the quote formatting if needed. The ‘greater than’ (>) symbol is typically located on the same key as the period/full stop (.) on most keyboards.

7. Discord Code Blocks

code blocks - discord text formattingTo highlight text as code on the Discord mobile app, you can use backticks. For a single-line code, surround your message with a single backtick (`). For multi-line code, start with three backticks (“`) and end with three backticks.

8. Discord Boxed Text

boxed text - discord text formattingTo create a boxed text effect, you can enclose your text within three backticks (`) at the beginning and end of the line. This will give the appearance of the text being inside a raised box.


What are the text formatting features of Discord?

Discord supports text formatting features like bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, code blocks, and inline code using Markdown syntax.

How do you make text look good on Discord?

To make text look good on Discord, use formatting options like bold, italics, code blocks, and emojis for emphasis and clarity.

What is common text formatting In Discord?

Common text formatting in Discord includes bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, and code blocks. Use asterisks, underscores, double tildes, and backticks respectively.

How do I make Discord more beautiful?

To make Discord more beautiful, customize your server with vibrant themes, high-quality graphics, and organize channels neatly for a visually appealing experience.


Learning how to format text in Discord can really boost your communication skills. It helps you highlight important points and organize your messages better. Whether you’re pointing out key details, making lists, or changing font styles for emphasis, these tools are super helpful for any Discord user. By using these techniques, you’ll make your messages more interesting, clearer, and more professional.

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